The personal design analysis

The special analysis for your own life themes and energies that shape your existence physically and mentally.

Built up of billions of different cells, you as a human being are a highly complex living being. Thereby you also embody your own incomparable part in the overall plan of creation. For this purpose you have a very special ‘design’ based on your genetics. So not only your outer shape, but also the inner design of your biochemical and your mental processes (feel / think / act) are the concrete result of a unique genetic disposition. Your special individuality, which you embody, therefore also works according to a distinct system, which is laid out in you as yourself and is effective in its very own way.

This particular functioning of your body forms the biological basis for all aspects of your human existence. On this basis, the energy of your soul is active, whose endeavor it is to express your special destiny through this particular body.
Since the special interplay of body and soul is organized differently in you from within than it is in other people, you experience yourself and the world in your own unique way. It is exactly these subtle differences to other people that make up the special character of your individuality. The foundation for this experience is your body. Are you actually familiar with the inner laws that govern your body and the forces that are at work within? Do you know exactly what really corresponds to it, what protects it, benefits it and what, on the contrary, can harm it in the long run?

“Knowledge is power.
But knowledge about oneself
is self-empowerment
Dr. Joe Dispenza

All people are the same? The opposite is the case, because it is written quite clearly in your genes:

You are unique,
not a copy.

The insights from genetics confirm the universal law of nature: As part of evolution, life always creates something absolutely new only, always something that is somehow ‘different’and therefore unique. This begins with the smallest units of life: each individual cell is different, each cell has its own ‘design’ – inside and outside, and fulfills its own task in the overall plan of creation.

Built up of billions of different cells, you as a human being are a highly complex living being. Thereby you also embody your own incomparable part in the overall plan of creation. For this purpose you have a very special ‘design’ based on your genetics. So not only your outer shape, but also the inner design of your biochemical and your mental processes (feel / think / act) are the concrete result of a unique genetic disposition. Your special individuality, which you embody, therefore also works according to a distinct system, which is laid out in you as yourself and is effective in its very own way.
This particular functioning of your body forms the biological basis for all aspects of your human existence. On this basis, the energy of your soul is active, whose endeavor it is to express your special destiny through this particular body.
Since the special interplay of body and soul is organized differently in you from within than it is in other people, you experience yourself and the world in your own unique way. It is exactly these subtle differences to other people that make up the special character of your individuality. The foundation for this experience is your body. Are you actually familiar with the inner laws that govern your body and the forces that are at work within? Do you know exactly what really corresponds to it, what protects it, benefits it and what, on the contrary, can harm it in the long run?

Do you know the particular structure?

  • of your personal strengths and weaknesses?
  • of your different perceptions?
  • of your unconsciously effective parts?
  • of your physical power balance?
  • of your own identity? etc.

… and do you know your very personal destiny
for this unique life?
One thing is for sure:

Your parameters for all these aspects are different from other people. What exactly you differentiate in each case, all this can be recognized, named and understood in detail with your personal design analysis. This provides you with an unusually deep and detailed insight into the structure of your inner being and your biological nature. You will recognize your unique predispositions and understand exactly what distinguishes you from others. You can and should draw your own personal advantage from this knowledge and insights.

It is a proven experience: Resistance and misunderstandings diminish and disappear when the true structure of a person is recognized, understood, and corresponded to. Health and well-being are nothing but a natural consequence.

The own and the foreign
(self and not-self)

For you, life also means making decisions – and then being forced to live with the consequences.

Do you decide correctly every time?
Do you decide in your own sense?
Do you actually know how this works for you?!

Your own strategy for an authentic life is firmly and securely planted in you. You can use it, or ignore it – with the corresponding consequences.

Do you know exactly which particular strategy is your own?

And how it always works reliably and successfully?

“Knowing the other
requires perception.
Knowing oneself
requires insight.”

(Lao Tzu)

As with every human being, completely unique parameters exist within you that enable you to make a truly authentic decision in any situation. You are carrying them with you in flesh and blood, because they are genetically imprinted in you. It is your inner wealth and possession. They form the foundation for your own personal life strategy.

Wenn Sie diese eigenen inneren Anlagen und Gesetze genau kennen und befolgen, dann kann Ihr Leben vollständig in Ihrem eigenen Sinne verlaufen, denn Sie wissen genau, was in ihrem Leben wirklich der Essenz Ihres Wesens entspricht, und was nicht. Durch die Kenntnis dieser inneren Parameter können Sie eine mögliche Fremdbestimmung immer sofort erkennen und sich entsprechend verhalten. Fremde Kräfte haben keine Möglichkeit, Ihr Leben zu steuern, wenn es vollständig von Ihren eigenen gestaltet wird.

Die Antworten auf die folgenden Fragen sind bereits in Ihnen selbst verzeichnet, und können Ihnen mithilfe einer persönlichen Designanalyse detailliert entschlüsselt und bildhaft dargestellt werden:

  • wie im das Detail das besondere Zusammenspiel von Leib und Seele bei Ihnen aufgebaut ist und funktioniert
  • woraus Ihre eigenen Stärken und Schwächen im Einzelnen tatsächlich bestehen
  • warum Sie genau so und nicht anders denken, wie Sie denken
  • warum Sie so und nicht anders fühlen, wie Sie fühlen
  • und warum Sie handeln, wie Sie es in Ihrem Alltag tun
  • wie die genaue Struktur Ihrer unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungen (instinktiv / intuitiv / gefühls- mäßig / verstandesmäßig etc.) von Natur aus beschaffen ist
  • welche besondere Strategie Ihnen ganz persönlich entspricht, mit der Sie immer und verlässlich eine authentische Entscheidung treffen können
  • welche auch unbewusst in Ihnen wirksamen Mechanismen immer daran mitwirken, wie Sie sich jeweils entscheiden
  • was bei Ihnen jeweils das Eigene und das Fremde ausmacht
  • wo Sie daher dazu neigen können, sich unbewusst fremde Themen zu eigen zu machen und dadurch Gefahr laufen können, unbemerkt fremdbestimmt zu werden
  • woran Sie eine mögliche Fremdbestimmung immer erkennen und ihr dadurch auch immer erfolgreich aus dem Weg gehen können
  • wo Sie im Einzelnen dazu neigen, unbewusst von sich auf andere zu schließen, und dadurch Gefahr laufen können, mit unangemessenen Erwartungen auf Ihre Umwelt zuzugehen
  • auf welcher eigenen inneren Basis Sie mögliche Krisen und Konflikte nicht nur angemessen angehen – sondern auch tatsächlich bewältigen können
  • wie Ihr ganz persönlicher Kräftehaushalt für dieses Leben beschaffen ist
  • welche speziellen Modalitäten von Erholung und Schlaf Ihnen biologisch wirklich entsprechen, um auch langfristig über eine gesunde Schaffenskraft zu verfügen, und diese ein Leben lang effektiv und erfolgreich einsetzen zu können
  • über welchen eigenen Antrieb Sie naturgemäß – und daher auch konstant und verlässlich verfügen – und über welchen nicht
  • womit sie Gefahr laufen können, sich und Ihr biologisches System zu überfordern, und wie Sie sich davor schützen können
  • woraus Ihre persönliche ‚Identität’ besteht
  • ob Sie über eine konstante Willenskraft verfügen oder nicht
  • welche besonderen Aspekte und Themen für Sie in einer Beziehung grundlegend wichtig sind, um darin auch wirklich die Erfüllung zu finden, die Ihnen entspricht
  • was Ihre persönliche Bestimmung für dieses Leben ist
  • welchem Typus bezüglich Partnerschaft und Sexualität Sie ganz natürlich entsprechen (Abenteurer / Romantiker / Traditionalist) usw.

„To understand the diversity of creation
a single glance in the mirror is enough”
(Hermann Hesse)

Take a look at your own cards, because the answers for a healthy and authentic life are already within you – and therefore always available. Use your capital. Get smart. It is worth it. After all, it is your life.

Your life finds its corresponding expression through your body. This body is your very personal wealth and possession. It is your ally, because it is the tool with which you can experience and fulfill your personal destiny. In order to enable yourself to use this valuable instrument in a healthy and long-lasting way, even with an increasing life expectancy, you need a very precise understanding of how your body works in detail.

Only then can you meet its special needs at all times. Because that’s what your heart beats for: that you use your equipment wisely for yourself – throughout your entire life. It is your right. Make use of it.

„Know thyself“
(Inscription of the Oracle of Delphi)

Never look outward by comparing. Look inward and then act on the basis of your uniqueness. Through your personal design analysis you will get an unusually deep and detailed insight into your inner being and your biological nature. You now understand exactly what strengthens you and what protects you, and recognize the unique structure on which your own life with its very personal topics unfolds and is designed.

You read:

The personal design analysis

Depending on the volume of orders, fixed appointments in my practice and my seminar activities, it can take up to four weeks to process and produce the required analysis.

If it is exceptionally urgent (e.g. a gift for a birthday) please let me know.

450,- €uro

  • Differentiated elaboration of the analysis based on your personal bodygraph.
  • Summary and result (approx. 60 min) by mp3 file or via Zoom.
  • The preparation and creation can take up to four weeks. You are also welcome to specify a preferred date.
Human Design Reading DVD