Rave Return-Analysis
The individual phases & cycles of life. In the development and maturation of your unique life, individual phases and cycles have their own themes, which can be precisely named for you personally using the Human Design System.
“The soul unfolds like a lotus flower
with countless petals.”
Chalil Dschibran
When you look into your own cards, you then know exactly what is being played when
Like every person, you go through specific cycles that contain your personal themes. The most well-known of these is the annual cycle, as each new year of life presents you with entirely new themes, yet always ones that are your own. These can be precisely named for you, allowing you to focus on them and not be distracted by other themes that, although present, are not really meant for you.
However, other important life cycles last much longer and often lead to completely new themes, places, and people becoming important after decades of established habits, with the old circumstances needing to be let go. But also, specific life stages and turning points, such as the timing and particular themes of the so-called ‘midlife crisis’, can be named with precision.
All of this is represented in a personal body graph, as the respective living events are always experienced in a special way physically. (Solar Return, Saturn Return, Uranus Return, Chiron Return, etc.)
- The themes of the new year of life (Solar Return on each new birthday)
- The stages of maturation of one’s own inner authority themes (Saturn Return / 29 years / 58 years / 87 years)
- The special themes of one’s own midlife (so-called midlife crisis) (Uranus Opposition around 38 to 44 years)
- The themes of authentic life design – (the 2nd ‘spring’) (Chiron Return in the 51st year of life)
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Rave Return-Analysis
Depending on the volume of orders, fixed appointments in my practice and my seminar activities, it can take up to four weeks to process and produce the required analysis.
If it is exceptionally urgent (e.g. a gift for a birthday) please let me know.
750,- €uro
- Differentiated elaboration of the analysis based on your personal bodygraph.
- Detailed development of the analysis of the respective Return graph.
- Summary and result (approx. 60 min) by mp3 file or via Zoom.
- The preparation and creation can take up to four weeks. You are also welcome to specify a preferred date.